Posts Tagged ‘mediamarkt heilbronn’

its been a while…?

August 11, 2008

hi, its me…

i think once in while i should post some stuff about me to show you that iam still alive… sort of…

well iam working since 1st of july and it suxx like hell. its a place where it smells after chemicals, paper and cardboards…. i hate this… and you have to do monotone work. its like… well putting your brain into a meat chopper. sometimes, when i come home from work i have the desire to read. just to check if iam still able to read or something like that. i try to check, if iam still capable of thinking in a more abstract way. because when you work in that factory its like: please switch your brain off, throw it away and burn it. now you can work here.

This is ridiculous and insane… it makes me sick…. when i come home, i dont feel like to play videogames or watch anime or write something for my blogs(btw. i started a german blog, but i will tell you later about that)

this is horrible… and i will work there until september…

its like: welcome to hell. please jump off that cliff. and when youre finished please ask that devil over there if he would like to rape your hole.

i hope i´ll survive this bullshit.

now to my hobbies: i bought a 1080p 40inch tv. nice one

have a look:

oh yeah, and i bought a 360. looks pretty nice, but i still dont have any games 😦


outrun2 doesnt work, jet set radio future doesnt work=suxx0r

i ordered gears of war and sega rally but its been like a week and there is still nothing here.

btw. because of my shitty work, i dont have time to play videogames. and while iam having a lot of half-assed RL on my weekends, my poor friends, gamecube and so on must be really lonely…

no j-pop too 😦

and no to my german blog:

i started some months ago a german blog on

its really nice, but if iam honest its just wasting my time. i post exactly the same shit as i post it on here. nothing special though. and… well when i finished this shitty summer vacation job or whatever this is called, i have to do some civilian service….

and i have plans to put up a shop… when iam done with that civilian service…

i think this could be successful, but my city is kinda conservative and doesnt like new and innovative ideas…

so lets look out for the future and let go and kick sum asses

stay tuned until the next post…..